Town centre redevelopment tops council’s to-do list
Plans to redevelop Andover and Romsey are set to take centre stage over the coming year as Test Valley Borough Council considers its major projects for the next 12 months at a cabinet meeting this Wednesday (July 10).
Authority chiefs are expected to rubber stamp the new corporate action plan projects which will contribute towards achieving the council’s aims set out in its four-year corporate plan. These include growing the potential of the borough’s town centres, communities, people and the local environment.
Major projects will include the Andover town centre masterplan, Romsey south of the town centre masterplan, Town Mills riverside park, preventing and relieving homelessness and enhancing access to green spaces and countryside. Other key initiatives include increasing recycling and empowering communities.
Leader of Test Valley Borough Council, Councillor Phil North, said: “The corporate action plan sets out the major projects the council will be focusing its resources on over the coming year and it’s not surprising that the two town centre redevelopment schemes are at the top of that list. There are some really major and exciting initiatives in this year’s CAP and these will be delivered on top of all of the day-to-day services we provide, with bin collections, housing and countryside management just three of a multitude of examples of the work we do as standard.
“The corporate plan is developed in consultation with residents and we used feedback gathered from around 2,000 people to inform the creation of the new four-year plan for 2019 to 2023. On that basis, it is important that all of our major projects help to deliver on the aims and objectives created in conjunction with the people of Test Valley.”
The corporate action plan will run for the life of the new four-year corporate plan and will be updated annually.