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Hampshire Covid-19 Community Update
Wednesday, 3 February 2021
National lockdown - stay at home:
Key message is to stay at home unless absolutely necessary– there is a national lockdown.
‘Act like you’ve got it’ – government scientists advise all people to act as if they have Coronavirus to help prevent the spread. 1 in 3 people who have it may not have symptoms.
Simple behaviours that can make a big difference – Keep following Hands, Face, Space.
COVID-19 Vaccination:
People will be contacted by their GP when they are due to be vaccinated – if you are not registered with a GP it is a good time to register – https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/find-a-gp .
A real NHS COVID-19 vaccination booking will never: 1. Ask for payment or any bank details 2. Ask you to press a button on your keypad when on the phone 3. Ask you to send a text to confirm the booking.
Anyone who has concerns about whether an approach to get the COVID vaccine is genuine should speak to their local GP surgery.
Transport help is available for people who cannot get to their vaccination appointment. To access this call the helpline 0333 370 4000 (calls charged at local rate) or use the website.
Well known personalities have joined together to urge the public to take up the vaccine including MPs from ethnic minority backgrounds and TV celebrities.
England Cricket star Moeen Ali says he “wouldn’t wish on anyone” his positive coronavirus diagnosis. On the vaccine he said "I'd take it and urge others to do it. Having spoken to people who know quite a bit about it, I'd take it and get my family and others to take it.”
If you test positive for Coronavirus or have to self-isolate, you may qualify for financial support. Contact your local district council for further information. Anyone whose life has been impacted by COVID can call 0333 370 4000. (Calls charged at local rate.) for general advice or fill in this form online.
Thank you for your support – please follow us on social media at #KeepHampshireSafe