Ash dieback work begins in Andover
Work has begun to fell a number of trees around Andover that have sadly succumbed to ash dieback disease.
Across the UK, a high percentage of ash trees have been infected with the disease (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) which results in the tree becoming brittle, and eventually leading to it potentially falling down.
As the disease progresses, the risk to the public can increase. The trees have been monitored for some time, but action is now needed to remove them before they become unsafe.
Work has begun in Admirals Way, Andover, before continuing in Gallaghers Copse, Ladies Walk, and Portway Business Park later in the year.
Replanting of areas where trees will be felled will begin late in November, and be completed over the winter planting season.
Community and leisure portfolio holder, councillor Ian Jeffrey, said: “It’s incredibly sad to know that so many ash trees across Test Valley and the rest of the UK, have been infected with this disease. We’re committed of course, to replanting these areas as soon as we can, but the safety of the public has to come first and that is what we are focusing on right now.”
Earlier this month, the council committed to planting an additional 10,000 trees across the borough for the next 12 months to help combat climate change. If the land can be found, this will be replicated over the next three years.
For further information, visit www.testvalley.gov.uk/ashdieback, which will be updated with information including the progress of the works, and locations for new planting, and the species chosen.