Green Flag awarded to three parks in Test Valley
Test Valley Borough Council is proud to announce yet another year of Green Flag awards for War Memorial Park, Rooksbury Mill Local Nature Reserve and Valley Park Woodlands.
This coveted award has now been consistently presented to all three parks for more than a decade, recognising the quality and value that these well-managed spaces bring to the community.
The council thoroughly plans green space management to enable sustainable, long-term investment to maximise the way spaces are used and enjoyed. By working with local communities to plan facilities to meet the needs of local people, TVBC helps to ensure ecology and the conservation of the natural environment.
Portfolio holder for countryside and climate, councillor Alison Johnston said: “Test Valley Borough Council is committed to providing quality green spaces, to provide places for fun, recreation, health and high-quality space for the borough’s wildlife.
“By virtue, our space should be benefiting both wildlife and people. These awards acknowledge that, which is wonderful.”
Portfolio holder for community and leisure, councillor David Drew said: “Free to access parks and green spaces is so important. These areas provide a sanctuary for communities to experience nature, exercise, and togetherness.
“High quality, well-managed green spaces are a vital part of healthy sustainable communities. They are an essential aspect of everyday life that communities feel passionately about. Thanks to the hard work of council officers, to which these awards are a testament.”
TVBC owns and manages over 400 hectares of land which is categorised as green space.