Voter ID set to come in later this year as residents urged to make sure they’re prepared
Test Valley Borough Council is urging residents to make sure they are prepared for the introduction of voter ID later this year, as the government rolls out the major change to elections across the country.
By law, from 4 May 2023, all residents will need to show photographic ID when they go to a polling station before they receive their ballot paper. The government is introducing the changes to reduce and prevent voter fraud.
People can use various forms of ID, including a driving licence, passport, Older Person’s Bus Pass, a blue badge or Disabled Person’s Bus Pass. The full list of accepted ID can be found at www.testvalley.gov.uk/voterID
Residents can also use expired ID as long as the photograph is still a good likeness.
Anyone who doesn’t have an accepted form of identification can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate at www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate
Those unable to apply online can contact TVBC’s electoral services team to request a paper form on 01264 368000 or 01794 527700, or by emailing elecreg@testvalley.gov.uk
The deadline to apply for a VAC for the Test Valley borough elections set to be held on 4 May 2023 is Tuesday 25 April, but residents are being encouraged to apply as soon as possible.
There will be no need for people to provide photographic ID if they vote by post.
And if anyone is registered for a proxy vote, which is where someone else votes on their behalf, then their proxy will need to provide their own ID, not the elector’s.
More information about the changes can be found at www.testvalley.gov.uk/voterID