Test Valley residents help form council’s new four-year plan
Test Valley Borough Council (TVBC) is delighted to share its new four-year plan, which has been developed using the views of around 2,000 residents.
The plan for 2023 - 2027 will play a key part in determining decision-making, laying out the council’s vision, values, priorities and place-based approach for residents.
For the last year, TVBC has been engaging with residents to find out their priorities and what they want to see in the borough. This included workshops which took place at the end of 2022.
The plan was officially launched yesterday evening (Wednesday 28 June), with those who took part invited to be the first to take a look at the new four-year plan.
It focuses on five main priorities:
- Sustainability – delivering lasting benefits for our communities
- Connection – building upon our communities’ identities, strengths and ambitions
- Environment – a greener borough for all
- Inclusion – working together to create opportunities
- Prosperity – creating economic growth that impacts positively on our communities
Our annual Corporate Action Plan will detail how the priorities will be delivered during the next year and on.
The four-year plan also reflects our commitment to working with our communities in a way that celebrates their uniqueness, sense of belonging and the ambitions people have for the places where they live.
Leader of Test Valley Borough Council, Cllr Phil North, said:
“This plan has the residents’ voices at its heart and I’m delighted we have now been able to launch it and outline our priorities and vision for the next four years. A lot of work has gone into shaping it and I’m thankful to everyone across the borough who contributed. The plan will be vital in shaping the way we do things until 2027.”
You can now take a look at the full four-year plan by visiting our website www.testvalley.gov.uk/FourYearPlan.