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The Red Ensign Flag will be flown across the borough on Tuesday 3 September to support Merchant Navy Day

Test Valley Borough Council is supporting a nationwide call from the Seafarers UK charity and the Merchant Navy Association for the UK Merchant Navy’s official flag to be flown on public buildings and landmark flagstaffs on 3 September.

This campaign remembers the sacrifices, salutes the courage and supports the future of the often unsung personnel of our Merchant Navy.

As an ‘island nation’ the UK relies on Merchant Navy seafarers for 95% of our imports, including half the food we eat.

The UK has the largest ports industry in Europe.

75% of our exports (by volume) are shipped from UK ports, some of which are supporting this campaign by encouraging visiting ships to sound their horns at 10am on the 3rd Septemeber as the flags are raised.