Charlton Neighbourhood Plan

Questions from the Examiner on the Responses to the additional Regulation 16 and Strategic Environmental Assessment Consultations.

The consultation ended on Monday 4 January 2021 and the representations were passed to the Independent Examiner.  The examiner is considering the representations and has asked for additional information as follows:

  • To ask Natural England, Historic England and the Environment Agency, to confirm in writing whether they have objections to the SEA or are content with it, and to detail any objections if appropriate.
  • For TVBC to confirm if it has any objections to the process and content of the SEA and whether it is content with it. 
  • For the Steering Group to have the opportunity to respond to Gladman's comments.

The responses have been passed to the examiner and can be found under the documents tab.

If you have any questions please contact Neighbourhood Planning on 01264 868000 or by email to