King's Somborne Neighbourhood Plan

Screening Opinion

Following the submission of a screening opinion for the draft King’s Somborne Neighbourhood Plan on 12th March 2018  Test Valley Borough Council (as responsible authority) has to determine whether or not a full Strategic Environmental Assessment and/or a Habitats Regulations Assessment are required.

In accordance with the Regulations, Natural England, Historic England and the Environment Agency were consulted on the findings of the screening report. The consultation started on the 12th March 2018 for a five week period (deadline of 16th April 2018).

Having regard to the submission and the consultation responses  it is the Council’s opinion that the Plan would be likely to have significant environmental effects. On this basis, a Strategic Environmental Assessment would be required for the proposed King’s Somborne Neighbourhood Plan. With regards to the Habitats Regulations and whether an Appropriate Assessment is required, the Council concludes that it is not possible to rule out likely significant effects on European designations. This is supported by the response from Natural England. This decision was made on the 23rd May 2018.

A statement outlining the process and consultation responses is available under Documents.