Upper Clatford & Anna Valley VDS SPD

This Village Design Statement for the Parish of Upper Clatford was adopted by the Council as Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) on 22nd February 2002, following a recommendation from the Executive Committee of 20th February 2002.

The residents of the Parish of Upper Clatford, which includes the settlements of Upper Clatford, Anna Valley and Red Rice, have prepared this Village Design Statement (VDS).

The design statement describes the special character and quality of the settlements. It provides a reasoned and balanced overview of the important aspects of the villages and their surrounding countryside, which the residents would wish to see maintained. It also aims to provide guidance on future development to keep the village a living and vibrant place.

This document forms part of the basis for decisions on land use planning affecting the area.

For further information on this SPG please phone 01264 368000 or email the Planning Policy Team at planningpolicy@testvalley.gov.uk.