Ash dieback

Ash dieback (ADB) is a disease caused by the fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, (formerly known as Chalara).  Once an ash tree is infected, the disease restricts the flow of water and nutrients leading to rapid decline and ultimately death. ADB is now widespread across the UK. Current estimates suggest that ADB is likely to lead to the loss of 95% of the ash trees over the next 5-10 years. 

Work has already begun to identify and manage the risk associated with ADB and this work will continue as part of our ongoing risk management approach for trees.  Ash trees with the disease will need to be carefully managed and where felling is required for safety reasons, we will undertake an appropriate replanting strategy on a case by case basis.


What to do

If you are concerned about an ash tree on land owned by Test Valley Borough Council please report the issue using this link: Report a tree to the council.


If you have a concern about an ash tree in a private garden/estate please use the contact information below.

Forestry Commission Plant Health Service
Call: 0131 314 6414

Forest Research Tree Health Diagnostic and Advisory Service
Call: 01420 23000

Fera Plant Health and Seeds Inspectorate
Call: 01904 465625