Test Valley Borough Landscape Character Assessment

Landscape character assessments describe the landscape based on areas with similar characteristics and identify ways to help conserve and enhance them.

The Test Valley Landscape Character Assessment was updated in 2018, based on work previous undertaken in 2004, and in line with Natural England’s guidance on the preparation of these studies. The assessment identifies twelve landscape character types (LCTs) within the borough, which are sub-divided into landscape character areas (LCAs). A map is available from this page showing their location in addition to the landscape character assessment itself.

The main report includes borough wide information and guidelines, which should be used in conjunction with the more detailed documents on each specific landscape character type and area.

This assessment should be read in conjunction with the national character areas and Hampshire integrated landscape assessment. In addition, for those areas that fall within either the New Forest National Park, or the North Wessex Downs National Landscape (formerly known as Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty), the landscape character assessments for these specific areas should be taken into account. Links to all these documents are available from this webpage.

An interactive map has been produced which indicates the location and extent of the landscape character areas in the borough and areas of outstanding natural beauty. The interactive map is available here.