Draft Local Plan 2040

Regulation 18 Stage 2 (2024)

We undertook public consultation on the draft Local Plan 2040 Regulation 18 Stage 2 between Tuesday 6 February and noon on Tuesday 2 April. The consultation has now closed.

All information is available as follows:

Local Plan 2040 Draft Regulation 18 Stage 2 (pdf, 42.1mb)

Associated documents and evidence is available here

Other evidence is available here

The Statutory Notice is available here (pdf, 69kb)

An interactive map is available here which sets out the information from the draft policies maps.

Summary of draft Local Plan 2040

The draft Local Plan 2040 Regulation 18 Stage 2 sets out the planning policies and principles required to meet development needs such as housing allocations and land for employment uses, while recognising the importance of conserving and enhancing the local environment and heritage. The plan balances the requirements of development that will provide jobs and affordable, sustainable housing for residents, with the need to provide necessary supporting infrastructure, whilst taking care to protect the countryside, open spaces and ecology. It preserves local gaps between settlements where possible and brings forward new energy efficiency measures.

The draft Local Plan sets out a Vision, Key Challenges and Objectives which have guided the focus of the Local Plan. A sustainable Spatial Strategy has been identified. This provides a framework for where new development will take place and how much new development is required to meet the needs of the area. 

National government has stated that a minimum of 11,000 homes in total be created between 2020-2040, in line with the latest household projections and affordability measures. The amount of land required for employment uses, has been considered in line with national policy that requires an assessment of current and future economic needs. This has been identified as 71.7 hectares.

A significant level of development is already underway in both North and South Test Valley to meet these needs however new sites are required to be allocated to ensure we meet our needs and reduce the risk of speculative development. The development needs have been split by North and South Test Valley (split is around the A30) reflecting the distinct geography between the two areas. The Local Plan sets out a strategy to guide the distribution of new development in the Borough.

There are also policies on supporting the regeneration of Andover and South of Romsey Town Centre as well theme-based policies covering a range of topics such as preserving and enhancing the historic environment, maintaining important local gaps between settlements and delivering necessary infrastructure.

 The above can also be found in this leaflet. (pdf, 934kb)