King's Somborne Neighbourhood Plan

Consultation on the Kings Somborne SA/SEA Scoping Report

The Council is consulting on Kings Somborne SA/SEA Scoping Report, which has been formally submitted by Kings Somborne Parish Council.

The consultation which runs for 6 weeks starts on Tuesday 27th November 2018 and responses must be received no later than Tuesday 8th January 2019.

Please be aware that all representations will be publicly available and may also appear on the Test Valley Borough Council website. For further information on how we use your personal data please visit

Please return your comments either by email to

or  by post to: Neighbourhood Planning, Test Valley Borough Council,  Beech Hurst, Weyhill Road, Andover,  SP10 3AJ.

The purpose of the consultation is to gather comments/views primarily from statutory bodies on the proposed approach and objectives that will be considered through this process. The responses received will be taken into consideration when developing the final SA/SEA approach and subsequent policies within the Kings Somborne Neighbourhood Plan.