Thruxton Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Area Designation

Thruxton Parish Council submitted an application for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area covering the parish of Thruxton.  This was subject to public consultation running for six weeks from Friday 18th March 2016 to 4:30pm on Friday 29th April 2016.  The Council has considered the application and the responses received during the consultation and has approved the designation.

The designation of a Neighbourhood Area would enable a Neighbourhood Plan to be prepared for the designated area.  Please note that this consultation only considered whether a Neighbourhood Area should be designated and upon its proposed boundary.

Screening Opinion

Following the submission of a screening opinion for the draft Thruxton Neighbourhood Plan on 9 March 2018,  Test Valley Borough Council (as responsible authority) had to determine whether or not a full Strategic Environmental Assessment and/or a Habitats Regulations Assessment are required.

In accordance with the Regulations, Natural England, Historic England and the Environment Agency were consulted on the findings of the screening report. The consultation started on the 9 March for a five week period (deadline of 13 April 2018).

Having regard to the submission and the consultation responses  it is the Council’s opinion that the Plan would not be likely to have significant environmental effects. On this basis, a Strategic Environmental Assessment would not be required for the proposed Thruxton Neighbourhood Plan. With regards to the Habitats Regulations and whether an Appropriate Assessment is required, the Council concludes that the proposed Neighbourhood Plan is not likely to have a significant effect on European designations. This is supported by the response from Natural England. This decision was made on the 23 April 2018. A statement outlining the process and consultation responses is available under Documents.


Thruxton Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group consulted on the Thruxton pre-submission (Regulation 14) version of their Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) from Monday 16 April until Friday 4 June. The next steps for the Steering Group are to consider the representations made and make any modifications to the document if necessary before submitting the final NDP along with a consultation statement to the Borough Council (Regulation 15). Following this stage, the Borough Council will publicise the NDP for 6 weeks (Regulation 16) before the NDP can be submitted for Examination (Regulation 17).


Thruxton Parish Council Application

Thruxton Boundary Map

Statutory Notice

Thruxton Neighbourhood Area - Letter of designation

Thruxton Screening Opinion Statement