Andover Town Centre Public Realm Design Guide SPD

An Andover Town Centre Public Realm Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) has been produced. It was adopted by the Council on 12 April 2023 following public consultation held between 16 December 2022 and 3 February 2023.

The version of the SPD considered for adoption is available here:

The Public Realm Design Guide is aimed at those who either develop, improve, or alter the public streets and spaces in Andover town centre. It is concerned with issues such as movement, pedestrian and cycle infrastructure, traffic calming measures, use of space for events, the introduction of green and blue spaces, street furniture, materials, integration of facilities such as EV charging points etc.

The Design Guide builds on national guidance and best practice. It is not intended to be overly prescriptive or restrictive but to encourage the best in design and development quality. The guide includes examples of best practice and how they can be applied in the context of Andover town centre.

This document forms part of the Local Development Framework (LDF) for the area. The LDF provides the basis for decisions on land use planning affecting the borough.

For further information, please contact the Council via 01264 368000 or email the Planning Policy Team at