Shopfront Design Guide SPD

A Shopfront Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted by the Council on 9th September 2010, following a recommendation of the Council’s Cabinet on 28th July 2010. It follows public consultation held between 26th March and 7th May 2010.

It has been produced to assist owners, tenants, developers and architects in considering alterations to or the renewal of shopfronts to retail and commercial premises within the borough. It includes general advice on what permissions are needed, historic shopfronts, elements of a shopfront, canopies and blinds, security, further reading and useful links.

This document forms part of the Local Development Framework (LDF) for the area and therefore forms part of the basis for decisions on land use planning

For further information on this SPD please phone 01264 368000 or email the Planning Policy Team at