Cold Weather

Homeless and rough sleeper help

Emergency assistance is available to homeless people during extreme weather conditions.

Our Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) arrangements are in place and our out of hours service is via 01264 368000

This protocol is triggered when the temperatures are set to fall below zero for a minimum of three nights in a row. It can also be triggered through other periods of significant adverse weather. When this happens, the council puts special arrangements in place to help those sleeping on our streets.

The SWEP arrangements are with Two Saint’s Direct Access Hostel in Andover and they will provide emergency bed and food provision for anyone sleeping rough or out in the cold during the cold spell.

The Bridge, Andover also has a night drop-in service from 7pm until 10pm while we experience cold weather. They also provide hot meals and washing facilities as well as wider support for those impacted by homelessness between December and February.

If you see a rough sleeper you can also call 0300 500 0914 or visit Streetlink to notify the relevant local authority.