Extra Bin Capacity

The collection teams will only empty one black bin per household unless the household has an authorised extra black bin. Householders who feel that they may not have enough space in their black bin can apply for extra bin capacity. There is no need to apply for extra capacity for recycling, you can just order an additional bin here.

Please note: You do not need to apply for extra capacity for an annexe if you pay Council Tax, as it will receive a waste collection service. If you do not pay Council Tax for an annexe, then you will only be authorised for extra capacity so long our policy requirements are met.

To apply or re-apply for extra bin capacity:

  • Complete the online form on My Test Valley including as much information as you can.
  • Alternatively, contact Customer Services on 01264 368000 or 01794 527700.

If you find you have difficulty accessing My Test Valley, try updating or using an alternative browser or contact Customer Services. They will be able to complete your application on your behalf. 

Wheeled Bin Charges
Test Valley Borough Council charges £42.00 for each black 240 litre and 140 litre wheeled bin.

Extra Bin Capacity
Extra Bin Capacity