Reduce Your Christmas Waste

Millions of batteries are sent to landfill each year. Consider using rechargeable batteries instead. Batteries and a battery charger could be the ideal gift.

Christmas cards
Why not save on stamps and save the environment by sending e-cards instead. 

Christmas lights
Use LED Christmas lights - they are very efficient and effective. Consider putting a timer on your outside lights so they don't stay on all night. It's a great way to save money on your energy bill too.

Christmas trees
Artificial trees are great as you can reuse them each year. However, if you still want a real tree, consider purchasing a tree with a root ball. You can use the tree year after year or alternatively you can plant it in your garden instead. If you have a real tree without a rootball, then make sure you compost it after Christmas. You can take your tree to one of the council's temporary disposal sites, or if you subscribe to the Garden Waste Collection Service we will collect it.

Consider purchasing an 'experience'. These can range from balloon flights and theatre tickets to a day at a spa or a day motor racing.

Consider giving gift vouchers. You can be sure that the recipient will buy something they want and best of all, they can spend it during the sales so they will get better value for money!

Alternatively, why not consider sending a donation to a charity instead. Most charities provide opportunities to donate money. You could also sponsor an animal or you could buy a membership to an environmental organisation or trust.

Save your postage stamps and give them to a charity to help them raise funds.  Both local and national charities often collect them.

Wrapping paper
Consider reusable alternatives such as boxes, tins and gift bags.