Trees - on land owned by Test Valley Borough Council

Trees are an integral part of the landscape of Test Valley and we are committed to managing and maintaining the tree population across all areas of our public open space, parks, gardens and woodlands for the benefit of everyone.

There are multiple reasons why we manage trees and “trees provide a wide range of benefits, not just by improving the way an area looks but also by providing a range of health, environmental and economic benefits. As well as the many benefits to wildlife, it is also well known that trees have a positive impact on property prices with increases in values of up to18 per cent and reducing energy consumption by up to 10% by modifying local microclimates.”*

*National Urban Forestry Unit publication, Trees Matter (2005)

You can find a range of tree guidance that may be useful with regard to tree and woodland management in the documents section of this page.

The guidance covers how the council manage their tree population through to reporting issues with council owned trees, tree planting selection, tree works as well as buying a small woodland.

If you have an enquiry relating to trees then please use this online form or one of the telephone numbers below.

Contact details
If you have any concerns regarding trees managed by Test Valley Borough Council - often land in public open spaces and parks - please contact customer services who will firstly confirm whether the land is indeed managed by the council. 01264 368000.

Trees situated next to the public highway, next to a public footpath or in school grounds are generally managed by Hampshire County Council who can be contacted on 0300 555 1388.

Queries regarding trees located within residential areas managed by Aster Properties Services should be reported by telephoning 0333 400 8222.

Any concerns or questions regarding the Tree Preservation Orders or Conservation Areas should be directed to the tree team, Planning and Building at Test Valley Borough Council on 01264 368000.