Supporting Communities

Supporting Communities

Information and advice for local Communities on your Local Area, Community Grants, Community Led Plans. How to arrange a Community Event and how to contact the Council's team of Community Engagement Officers

More information

"Encouraging all of our communities to reach their full potential" is one of the key aims of the Council's current Corporate Plan. This aim has been developed in the context of the Government’s Big Society and Localism agendas and focuses on increasing capacity within communities to find solutions to their own issues.

As part of the council's ambitious Community Empowerment Programme, we are establishing the mechanisms and processes by which the Council is able to support more communities to identify and prioritise their own needs, and achieve their ambitions for the place where they live. The programme is also supporting local councillors in developing their role as community leaders and in doing so helping communities to take a greater role in resolving issues that are important to them.