Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

The Private Sector Housing Team can provide advice and information on energy efficiency and saving in your home.

More information

Recent increases in energy prices mean that saving energy is a high priority for most residents in Test Valley. Saving energy is not just good for your pocket; it is also good for the environment.

Reducing your energy use reduces carbon dioxide emissions - carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the main gases responsible for global warming and so it has never been so important to reduce our energy use. Every saving by Test Valley Borough Council residents and businesses, no matter how small, is worthwhile and will benefit both you and the environment.

There are a range of sources of information where you can find out more about energy efficiency and energy tariffs, including:

  • The Environment Centre (TEC) runs an advice and referral service and may be able to advise you on current grants that are available for heating or insulation.  See
  • The Energy Saving Trust has information about energy efficiency, energy efficient products and other ways to save money and energy - see
  • Choose the right energy tariff - there are a range of tariffs available from energy companies and it can be worth looking around to see what would be best for you.  There are a number of comparison websites available which can help you make a decision as to whether this would help you save money.
  • CAB - The Citizens Advice Service helps people resolve their legal, money and other problems by providing free, independent and confidential advice.

Alternatively, if you require any further information, please contact:

The Private Sector Housing Team
Telephone: 01264 368000