Test Valley Lettings holds open days for potential landlords
Test Valley Lettings holds open days for potential landlords
Test Valley Lettings is hosting two open days for new and existing landlords, on 16 November in Romsey and 30 November in Andover. The agency, which is part of Test Valley Borough Council, offers landlords a no fee, hassle-free tenancy service, and is looking for landlords to help secure homes for local households in need.
The services offered by Test Valley Lettings are customisable to meet individual needs and provide separate officers to support both landlord and tenant. It aims to create sustainable and long-lasting tenancies that work for landlords while providing a stable and happy home for an individual or family.
Richard Bowyer, a current landlord with Test Valley Lettings, said, “They are a good one stop shop. They find the tenant, do the check-in, inventory, tenancy, payments and liaise with the tenant if there are any issues. It makes my job easier.”
Councillor Nick Adams-King, Housing and Environmental Health Portfolio Holder, said: “Test Valley Lettings aims to help prevent homelessness. The council has tenants waiting for all types and sizes of property, so if you think you could help a household in Test Valley find a home, please get in touch with Test Valley Lettings.”
The drop-in open days will be held on Thursday 16 November from 3pm to 6pm at the Crosfield Hall in Romsey, and on Thursday 30 November from 4pm to 7pm at the Guildhall in Andover. New and existing landlords are welcome. There will also be trades people on hand to speak to and the opportunity to network with other landlords as well as have a chat with members of the Test Valley Lettings team and find out more about the services they offer.
If you can’t make the open day, please get in touch with the team to find out more on TVL@testvalley.gov.uk
For more information about Test Valley Lettings, visit https://testvalley.gov.uk/testvalleylettings