Evidence Base - Environment

The documents on this page form part of the Council’s planning evidence base. Please also be aware of the links available on this page.

Southern Test Valley lies within the South Hampshire sub-region and the Council has worked collaboratively with neighbouring local authorities through the Partnership for South Hampshire (PfSH), on a joint evidence base to inform development requirements for the sub-region. Copies of this evidence base are available on the PfSH website www.push.gov.uk

Flood Risk

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 1 Main Report, AECOM, 2024 (pdf, 855kb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 1: Appendix A: River Floodplain Analysis, AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 632kb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Test Valley Borough Council, AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 559kb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix A, Figure 1: Flood Zones, AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 28.5mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix A, Figure 2: Recorded Flood Outlines, AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 29.6mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix A, Figure 3: Risk of Flooding from Surface Water, AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 32.2mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix A, Figure 4: Areas Susceptible to Groundwater Flooding, AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 26.4mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix A, Figure 5: BGS Susceptibility to Groundwater Flooding, AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 26.8mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix A, Figure 6: Risk of Flooding from Reservoirs, AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 26.4mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix A, Figure 7: Potential for Cumulative Impacts of Development on Flood Risk, AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 3.1mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix A, Figure 8: Opportunities to Reduce the Causes and Impacts of Flooding, AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 35mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix A, Figure 9: Flood Warning Areas, AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 20.1mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix A, Figure 10: Flood Risk Management Policies, AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 26.6mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix A, Figure 11: GIS Floodplain Analysis, AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 27.6mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix A, Figure 12: Modelled Flood Extents including Effects of Climate Change, AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 30.7mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix B, Figure 1: Coastal Erosion Risk, AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 2.8mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix B, Figure 2: Future Coastal Flood Zones, AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 2.8mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix B, Figure 3: Maximum Flood Depth: Defended 1 in 200 Year (0.5% AEP) 2022, AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 2.9mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix B, Figure 4: Maximum Flood Depth: Defended 1 in 200 Year (0.5% AEP) 2055 (Higher Central), AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 2.9mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix B, Figure 5: Maximum Flood Depth: Defended 1 in 200 Year (0.5% AEP) 2122 (Higher Central), AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 2.9mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix B, Figure 6: Maximum Flood Depth: Defended 1 in 200 Year (0.5% AEP) 2122 (Upper End), AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 2.9mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix B, Figure 7: Maximum Flood Depth: Defended 1 in 1000 Year (0.1% AEP) 2122 (Upper End), AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 2.9mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix B, Figure 8 Maximum Flood Depth: Undefended 1 in 200 Year (0.5% AEP) 2122 (Upper End), AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 35mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix B, Figure 9 Maximum Flood Depth: Undefended 1 in 1000 Year (0.1% AEP) 2122 (Upper End), AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 2.9mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix B, Figure 10 Maximum Flood Hazard: Defended 1 in 200 Year (0.5% AEP) 2022, AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 2.9mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix B, Figure 11 Maximum Flood Hazard: Defended 1 in 200 Year (0.5% AEP) 2055 (Higher Central), AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 2.9mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix B, Figure 12 Maximum Flood Hazard: Defended 1 in 200 Year (0.5% AEP) 2122 (Higher Central), AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 2.9mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix B, Figure 13 Maximum Flood Hazard: Defended 1 in 200 Year (0.5% AEP) 2122 (Upper End), AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 2.9mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix B, Figure 14 Maximum Flood Hazard: Defended 1 in 1000 Year (0.1% AEP) 2122 (Upper End), AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 2.9mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix B, Figure 15 Maximum Flood Hazard: Undefended 1 in 200 Year (0.5% AEP) 2122 (Upper End), AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 2.9mb)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Part 2: Appendix B, Figure 16 Maximum Flood Hazard: Undefended 1 in 1000 Year (0.1% AEP) 2122 (Upper End), AECOM, 2023 (pdf, 2.9mb)


Emer Bog

Hydro-ecological Appraisal of Emer Bog cSAC, The Environmental Project Consulting Group, 2002 (pdf, 4.5mb)

Emer Bog and Baddesley Common Hydrological Desk Study, The Environmental Project Consulting Group, 2017 (pdf, 10.3mb)

Surface Water Quality and Hydro-Ecological Regime of Emer Bog cSAC, The Environmental Project Consulting Group, 2003 (pdf, 6.8mb)


New Forest

Recreation use of the New Forest: Results of Telephone Survey, Footprint Ecology, 2020 (pdf, 9.4mb)

Recreation use of the New Forest: Vehicle Count, Footprint Ecology, 2020 (pdf, 9.9mb)

Recreation use of the New Forest: Visitor Survey, Footprint Ecology, 2020 (pdf, 14.9mb)

Recreation use of the New Forest: Overview of Visitor Results & Changes to Visitor Numbers, Footprint Ecology, 2020 (pdf, 3.4mb)

Recreation use of the New Forest: Impacts of Recreation & Potential Mitigation Approaches, Footprint Ecology, 2020 (pdf, 8.4mb)

Recreation use of the New Forest - Zone of Influence, Footprint Ecology, 2021 (pdf, 2.5mb)

New Forest Strategic Access Management and Monitoring Strategy, Footprint Ecology, 2023 (pdf, 3mb)


Renewable and Low Carbon Energy

Test Valley Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Study, LUC and CSE, 2020 (pdf, 17mb)

Test Valley Landscape Sensitivity Assessment of Wind and Solar Developments, LUC, 2020 (pdf, 23mb)