Draft Local Plan 2040

Regulation 18 Stage 2 Supporting Documents

We undertook public consultation on the draft Local Plan 2040 Regulation 18 Stage 2 between Tuesday 6 February and noon on Tuesday 2 April. The consultation has now closed

Draft Local Plan documents

Following Full Council on 17 January 2024, changes of a minor nature have been made to the draft Local Plan 2040 Regulation 18 Stage 2 (agreed by the Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development and Planning Portfolio Holder). Details of these changes are set out below:  

Associated Documents

Evidence Studies

To inform the draft proposals we have undertaken evidence studies. Evidence Studies can be accessed on our website or are either provided below or via our other evidence base webpages (available here).  

Topic Papers

We have prepared a series of topic papers to summarise an area of the Local Plan. Topic Papers provide background information, including relevant national and local policies and summarise the key issues for this matter, taking account of evidence and consultation feedback.  Where relevant the Papers set out the policy options we have considered and assessed to inform our draft policies or approach.