Next Local Plan: Issues & Options Consultation 2018

The first stage consultation - Issues and Options 2018

As part of our preparation for our next Local Plan for the borough, the council undertook a consultations on the issues and options to focus on. When a Local Plan is produced it has to be based upon national planning guidance (National Planning Policy Framework and Planning Practice Guidance), the evidence that we collected and have taken into account, and what the council and our communities see as the key planning issues. 

The first stage, held in 2018, aimed to get your views on the issues that face the borough, and those that live and work in Test Valley will face, and the options for how best we deal with them. This includes how much development we should plan for and where it should go. The consultation was not about identifying possible sites for development at this stage. The consultation included issues covering housing, employment, the environment and infrastructure.

The consultation ran for a ten week period from 6 July to 14 September 2018. The documentation published for this consultation remains available on this page. To assist with Question 6 in the Issues and Options Consultation document, concerning the Housing Market Area (HMA) boundary (see paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7), a map showing the areas covered by the current Southern Test Valley (STV) and Northern Test Valley (NTV) HMAs was been provided.

The next Local Plan will take approximately five years to prepare and there will be further opportunities for you to have your say. The results of the Issues and Options consultation are being used to inform preparation of the next Local Plan. In the summer of 2020, we held the second stage of consultation. You can access Local Plan - Refined Issues and Options, here.

From this page you are able to see the comments we received on the Issues and Options Consultation document, as well as officer responses to these comments. The comments we received are available to view in the schedule of all responses received. The officer responses are available within the ‘Documents’ list.