Draft New Forest Recreational Mitigation SPD

The Council has published the draft New Forest International Nature Conservation Designations: Recreational Mitigation Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for four weeks’ public consultation from Friday 18 October to 12 noon on Friday 15 November 2024.

The purpose of this document is to provide advice on how we will consider and implement the need for mitigation in relation to recreational impacts on the New Forest international nature conservation designations. This is linked to Policy E5 of the adopted Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016).

Any comments on the draft SPD should be submitted so as to be received by the close of the consultation period, and either be:

  • Sent in writing to Planning Policy and Economic Development Service, Test Valley Borough Council, Beech Hurst, Weyhill Road, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 3AJ; or
  • Emailed to planningpolicy@testvalley.gov.uk.  

If the draft SPD is adopted, it would supersede the New Forest SPA Mitigation – Interim Framework (2014), and would be a material consideration in making decisions on land use planning.

Additionally, if you have any land holdings that you would like to be considered as potential options for free-standing (i.e. not linked to any other development) Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG), the Council will welcome any such separate submissions during the above-mentioned consultation period. If you have already promoted a site through the Green Land Availability Assessment, there is no need to re-submit the information. Sites should be located within the zones indicated in Appendix 1 of the draft SPD and consider the proposed guidance in Appendix 2 of the draft SPD.

For further information  please phone 01264 368000 or email the Planning Policy Team at planningpolicy@testvalley.gov.uk.