Planning Policy

Planning Policy

We use planning policies to guide our decisions on planning applications. They set out what can be built and where and how much new development there should be. We also use them to plan for the future, looking at what our communities will need in years to come.

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The Council's planning policies and proposals, including the adopted Local Plan, guide future development of the Borough.

Authority Monitoring Reports (AMR) – provides an annual update on the performance of planning policies.

Evidence Base -  includes studies, reports, papers and assessments that help inform the preparation of planning policy.

Local Development Scheme (LDS) – includes the timetable and broad content of Local Plan documents prepared by the Council.

Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) – set out how local communities and other organisations will be involved in the planning process, including how consultation will be undertaken.

Strategies and Policy Statements – provides information on additional documents that have been approved that provide guidance relevant to planning policy and applications.

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) – the Council’s SPDs provide additional guidance on matters linked to planning policies.