Recycle Your Christmas Waste

You can recycle food and drink cartons, including fruit juice, custard and soup cartons, at selected Local Recycling Centres.

Christmas cards
You can recycle cards and envelopes in your brown bin. Please pop cards containing glitter in your black bin, or reuse them as tags next year. You can also save your stamps for charities - check online for charities that collect them.

Christmas trees
Once the festive season is over, you can dispose of your real Christmas tree in a number of ways:

  • Take it to one of our temporary disposal sites.
  • Take it to your local Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC).
  • If you subscribe to our Garden Waste Collection Service you can pop it out on your collection day - this is a chargeable service.

We will compost all of the collected trees to produce Pro-Grow. Pro-Grow is a high quality organic soil conditioner produced in Hampshire by Project Integra. You can buy Pro-Grow at any HWRC.

You can recycle aluminium foil at your Local Recycling Centre. To test if the foil is aluminium foil, scrunch it up in your hand. If it springs back then it is not suitable for recycling as it is a plastic foil.

Recycle all of your glass bottles and jars at your Local Recycling Centre. Please leave the metal lids and tops on as they can be recycled too.

Paper and card
Recycle all of your paper and card inlcuding envelopes, greetings cards and packaging, in your brown recycling bin. Unfortunately, we cannot recycle gift wrap.

Plastic bottles and cans
Recycle all of your plastic bottles and cans and tins in your brown recycling bin, inlcuding milk bottles, fizzy drink bottles, cooking oil bottles, cleaning fluid bottles, and food and drinks cans. Do not forget to crush your plastic bottles and cans as this will leave more room in your bin. Remember to leave your lids on your plastic bottles as they can be recycled too!

Whether it's this year's unwanted gift or last year's fashion, please take any items, including shoes, to your local recycling centre.